Track everything you need to make data driven-decisions with our Head Start data management software! Here are just a few of our software features:

See statistics with color-coded, easy-to-read charts and grids for all services areas, or focus on areas that don't meet agency-wide or Head Start standards.

Assess the quality of teacher-child interactions with Infant, Toddler, & Pre-K tracking. Now you'll always know when you're meeting or exceeding your score threshold.

Module Designer
Create custom data tracking modules, such as surveys, worksheets, and more. Start from scratch or choose one of our module templates to help you get started.

Online Application
Easily create an online application that fits your agency’s needs, and simply add to your website and social media allowing parents to apply to your program online.

Email & Text Parents
Crucial information can’t always wait – send parents an email or text message to inform them quickly. ChildPlus logs all messages sent to each family.

Family Outcomes
Analyze families strengths and needs to improve family outcomes by building positive, goal-oriented relationships, and supporting the progress toward their goals.

Internal Monitoring
Perform internal audits with our preloaded Focus Area One and Two so you catch areas needing improvement, and minimize the possibility of OHS finding deficiencies.

Electronic Signatures
Quickly capture parent and staff signatures electronically with a signature pad or mouse, saving your agency time and money, along with providing services faster.

Entry Express
Transform your data entry process to save time and improve accuracy updating multiple children's data at once for various data types.

Discover over 300 built-in reports with grid and chart view options. Our reports also have hyperlinks that quickly redirect you to children's profiles and attachments.

Custom Reports
Effortlessly create custom reports to fit your agency's needs. Use customizable, reusable filters to create specialized reports and determine precise data.

Custom Documents
Streamline your customization of documents for children, families, and staff with our built-in, mail-merge capability for acceptance letters, graduation certificates, and more.

History Logs
Audit trail of changes to data by recording the original data value, updated value, when the change was made, and more so you know the details of each change.

Electronically compile your PIR data for all your services, staff, children, and families required by OHS, and submit the data for all your program types.

To-Do List
Stay informed of incomplete applications, expiring health events, and more in a calendar or list format in the software, or a list format emailed to you.

Family Services
ChildPlus's adaptable Family Services module can efficiently track all areas of services, including home visits, communication logs, family assessments, and much more.

With our customizable Health module, you can easily track health activities and treatments for all of your participants, such as critical health notes, health coverage, and allergies.

In the Education Module, agencies can monitor every aspect of a child's education, like education home visits, parent conferences, behavioral screenings, and more.

Attendance Tracking
Track real-time attendance with our convenient Attendance App or barcode scanning option. Or, use our printable worksheets to track class attendance.

Parent & Teacher Menu
With a separate Parent and Teacher Menu, parents can quickly check-in their children without the risk of them accessing the teacher's sensitive data.

Meal Counts
Quickly track every time a participant is served a meal with ChildPlus. You can utilize the ChildPlus database, an ID scanner, or the Attendance App to track meal counts.
Want to learn more of what ChildPlus has to offer?

The Dashboard was built to help keep you on top of your agency’s statistical data – without compiling a stack of reports. With these statistics, you can ensure your agency is always improving and meeting your agency’s goals as well as the Head Start standards. Instead of using multiple reports, the Dashboard utilizes visual graphs and charts, which makes it easy to distinguish areas needing improvement.
With the Dashboard, you will have access to a variety of statistical data, including:
Enrollment Data
Easily discover full enrollment measures, including percentages of funded slots, your percentage of waitlisted children, recent turnover rates of participants who have dropped your program within the last 30 days, cumulative turnover rate, and more.
Eligibility Data
Effortlessly determine eligibility data, such as the percentage and number of participants who are foster children, homeless, plus families with income that is both below and above 100%, are over the income requirements, and more.
Attendance Data
Tracking attendance data has never been easier. Track the percentages of both funded and actual attendance by month-to-date, year-to-date, and last month until the present day. Also view chronic absences, unexcused absences, tardies, and much more to stay on top of attendance trends.
Health Data
Efficiently determine your health data with expert data tracking. View 30-45-90 day health requirements, participants who obtained health coverage, health requirements that are expiring soon, medical treatment needed and received, and much more!
Stay on top of your CLASS© Infant, Pre-K, and Toddler data. Track the average score for the Responsive Caregiving domain for all infant CLASS© observations, the Emotional Support domain for Pre-K CLASS© observations, the Engaged Support for Learning for toddler CLASS© observations, and even more.
Always be prepared for program reviews by being able to consistently monitor the quality of your teacher-child interactions. In 2011, The Office of Head Start (OHS) adopted the CLASS© measure to assess teacher-child interactions and further improve child outcomes. Switching to ChildPlus means you can make data-driven decisions to keep improving child outcomes.
With ChildPlus, administrators always have access to this critical scoring and reporting system, which can lead to teacher improvement. This fully-integrated scoring and reporting system provides graphs and reports that instantly show your teacher’s strengths and weaknesses.
With CLASS©, users can:
- Record the date, reviewer, classroom, teacher, and scores of CLASS© observations;
- Configure their internal goals to ensure they’re meeting their agency’s standards;
- Enter scores for up to six observation cycles, with ChildPlus automatically calculating and storing cycle averages;
- Keep an electronic paper trail for all cycle observations;
- Use the collected data to plan strategies and trainings for staff to improve their problem areas for OHS compliance and tracking; and
- Use reports to monitor and analyze scores across their centers.

Module Designer
With ChildPlus’s Module Designer, you no longer have to keep track of spreadsheets, forms, checklists, and more. Your agency can completely customize your own data entry screens right in your ChildPlus database. Take your agency further by tracking much more than just your Head Start children’s personal information.
Create custom data entry screens, including entire modules, forms, checklists, surveys, worksheets, and even more, to track agency-specific information all in one place!
ChildPlus’s Head Start data management software also offers pre-made modules that you can completely customize yourself so you don’t have to start from scratch. The pre-made modules were created as a starting point for popular data entry screen requests that often require customization.
Here’s just some of our pre-made modules to choose from:
Email & Text Parents
Quickly email and text parents without leaving your ChildPlus database. With our LiveMessage feature, you can compose a message to send to parents, then choose if you’d like it sent as a text, email, or both!
Easily create reusable email and text message templates to streamline the way you communicate with your parents. You have the option to choose from a sample email message ChildPlus has already built for you or build your own customized email. You can even add information from your ChildPlus database, photos, tables, hyperlinks, and more to your messages – all from ChildPlus.
You can also send emails and texts to multiple parents at once to save you time.
Here are some things you could email and text to parents:
- Upcoming Center Events & Reminders
- Center Closings
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Missing Paperwork
- Health clinic announcements
- Job fairs
- Parent education class announcements
- And more

Online Application
The ChildPlus application entry screen was designed to save you time. When you switch to ChildPlus, you have the ability to enter all family members from one screen. Never again click through screen after screen just to input information on a single family.
You can even create a custom online application that better fits your agency’s needs. Attach your custom application to your website and social media so parents can apply online – leaving you a lot less information to input yourself during family interviews.
With ChildPlus’s online application module, you can:
- Customize your agency’s Online Application with data elements, colors, content, and logos;
- Enable and customize a Spanish version if your agency serves Spanish-speaking families;
- Enter all family members from a single screen;
- Allow parents and guardians to upload documents such as employment verifications, birth certificates, immunization records, and insurance cards;
- Request copies of documents through a unique link;
- Provide access to the Online Application through your agency’s website, social media platforms, or send the link in an email.
Family Outcomes
Our customizable Family Outcomes module ensures children are ready for kindergarten by tracking all Family Engagement Outcomes throughout the school year. With this crucial module, agencies can track family assessments and determine where families’ goals are being met, and where improvements could be made.
ChildPlus tracks preliminary, midyear, end of year, and total gains throughout the year for all aspects of family outcomes. Our Family Engagement Outcomes tab is built-in to ChildPlus and comes with pre-loaded family assessment forms. However, if your agency prefers a custom assessment, ChildPlus allows full customization.
With powerful reports that keep track of your Family Outcomes data for you, ChildPlus makes tracking this crucial data easy and adaptable.
With our Family Outcomes module, users can:
- Set up and configure your own family assessment instruments, or choose from the ones we’ve already built into ChildPlus;
- Ensure families are being assessed in a timely fashion;
- Easily identify areas where your agency can assist each family;
- Use reports and graphs to see each family’s assessment results and gains during the school year (you can record up to 3 assessments per school year); and
- Determine your program’s impact on each family.

Attendance Tracking
Taking attendance in ChildPlus is easy with many flexible options that promote compliance with OHS Performance Standards. From entering attendance to determining unexpectedly absent children, ChildPlus has the tools you need for your Head Start agency. Attendance and meal counts can be tracked in ChildPlus using Entry Express, Attendance Scanning, or the Attendance App. The two methods that provide the most flexibility with little to no-contact are Attendance Scanning and the Attendance App.
With the Attendance Scanning, you can:
- Create a no-contact check-in/check-out kiosk for your parents;
- Print IDs for children from ChildPlus then attach them to the children’s bag or leave them at the front desk to scan as the children enter or leave your agency;
- Scan the barcode on the ID card to record the exact times that the child arrives and leaves; and
- Scan the ID cards to track meals for each child.
NOTE: If your agency uses ChildPlus Online, you can use the camera of your mobile device to take attendance and record meal counts.
With the ChildPlus Attendance App, that is available to download for your mobile device, you can:
- Take real-time, electronic attendance so you will know which children are absent sooner;
- Save paper by allowing teachers to use their phone or tablet, such as the iPad, iPhone, Kindle Fire, or Android;
- Save time by allowing parents or guardians to enter their child’s attendance for you by signing their child in/out, providing you with an electronic signature of who checked in/out each child daily.