5 Fun Activities to Help Educate Your Children From Home


COVID-19 has completely changed the way we work and go to school.  Parents now have to work from home, while also trying to educate their children from home. If you have small children, this can be especially challenging. Below is a list of educational activities to do with your child to help them learn – plus they are easy for parents to do!

Play a Game

You can create any kind of game to help your child learn. One great idea is to grab some blocks and play a fun alphabet game. Once your child has learned a few of the letters in the alphabet, you can have a scavenger hunt and look for those letters. This will be a fun way to get your child active and learning at the same time. Here’s another fun activity: grab some scissors, paper, a pen or marker, and some tape. Write down all of the basic colors on the paper and then have your child go around the house and match the colors to household items. This is a fun and simple way to teach your child colors!

Use Play-Doh or Shaving Cream to teach numbers and letters

Studies have shown hands-on projects activate kids’ brains and help them learn better. Print out some numbers for your child to trace and then give them a can of shaving cream to trace over it. This is a messy, fun, and outside of the box way for your child to learn their numbers. You could also give them some Play-Doh and they can sculpt the numbers out of it. This is a great way for them to get their hands in it and really learn those numbers!

Play “I Spy”

“I Spy” is a great game that you can turn into a fun learning activity for any subject. For instance, you can say, “I spy with my eyes three blue books.” This will not only teach your child to look for colors, but can also help them learn numbers. You can change it up and use it for science, history, math, art, or pretty much any other subject you can imagine!

Plant a Garden

Planting a garden is the perfect way to teach your child responsibility. Now is the perfect time to start a garden, since we are all home for the unforeseeable future. This is a great activity to teach about nutrition, independence, and science, all while growing some yummy, healthy food!

Pick a Different Culture to Celebrate

Teaching children about other cultures lead to them being more accepting of children who may not sound or look the same as they do. Have your child pick a craft that you might find in the country/culture you’re interested in, such as let them make their own sugar skulls when studying the Day of the Dead, or Chinese lanterns for the Chinese New Year. You could also cook some yummy food together specific to the culture you are studying. Encourage any questions they may have!

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