7 reasons why your Early Head Start agency needs DRDP© in ChildPlus!


ChildPlus Software, the #1 Head Start/EHS data management software in the country, has exciting news!

We now offer a birth to five child assessment that can greatly benefit your EHS agency!

Directly from ChildPlus, you can access the nationally-renowned child development assessment, the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP©). This valid, reliable, research-based assessment is designed to replace your current assessment so you can experience an all-in-one system. With ChildPlus, you can calculate your PIR, take attendance, complete child assessments, and much more all in one powerful software.

Here are 7 reasons why your Early Head Start agency needs the DRDP© in ChildPlus!

1. DRDP© in ChildPlus is an all-in-one system!

When you assess your Early Head Start children with the DRDP© in ChildPlus, you never have to worry about transferring their assessment data when they transition to Head Start.

With the DRDP© in ChildPlus, we make it easier than ever to view the progress of your children using a valid, research-based assessment.

2. The DRDP© is developmentally appropriate for infants and toddlers.

Assessment measures are presented in a simple and straightforward display that demonstrates how children typically progress when learning and developing in each area from early infancy to kindergarten entry, making the DRDP© an essential tool for Early Head Start.

Click here to learn more about the DRDP© measures.

3. You will have consistent child development data by using the same assessment from birth to five.

The DRDP© is a developmental continuum from early infancy to kindergarten entry. When you assess a child beginning in Early Head Start, as they transition to Head Start, you can easily track their developmental progress using consistent domains and measures.

4. You don’t need to take any additional steps when children transition from Early Head Start to Head Start.

Never worry about syncing two systems again! Because the DRDP© is built into ChildPlus, you can track all of your Early Head Start children’s personal data, capture observations, and complete assessments all in one powerful software.

The moment a child is enrolled or transferred into your EHS, their teacher can instantly add observations for them. Never again will teachers have to wait for two different systems to sync up with each other before they can start assessing the child.

5. No more paying for archiving data – it’s always free.

ChildPlus eliminates annual archiving costs with the DRDP©. Every piece of data entered for a child, from birth to five, will be accessible the entire time the child is enrolled in your program.

All historical observations and ratings are completely free with ChildPlus! There are never any hidden fees for storing historical data for your Early Head Start children.

6. The DRDP© is compatible with any curriculum.

There’s no need to change your curriculum when you switch to the DRDP© in ChildPlus. The DRDP© is compatible with all curricula, including Creative Curriculum.

Teachers can quickly begin taking real-time observations in the classroom as soon as their Early Head Start children are enrolled. It’s that easy!

7. The DRDP© in ChildPlus offers dynamic reports with subgroup reports.

With our dynamic reporting system, ChildPlus makes it easer than ever to track your ratings and observations.

Our subgroup reports give previously impossible insights into the factors that impact early child development within your organization. Imagine, for example, a report available at the push of a button that allows you to easily determine the impact that chronic absence has on an Early Head Start child’s developmental progress.

With ChildPlus’ subgroup reports, you can transform your policies and procedures to serve your children with the highest quality of care.

With our endless benefits, switching to ChildPlus and the DRDP© assessment in ChildPlus just makes sense.

To learn even more about how the DRDP© can streamline your agency’s processes, click here. We also released an informative video (below) that gives a great overview of the DRDP©, along with many other benefits of the assessment that are included in ChildPlus.

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