Bright Spots: June 2024 Winner


Kate Long 

ERSEA Coordinator – Family Forum Inc. 

Necessity is the mother of all inventions. 

Speaking of inventions, let’s shine a bright light on the innovative solution Kate Long created for her agency. Her invention is what won her the title of this month’s Bright Spots winner!  

Kate became an advocate for ChildPlus soon after arriving at Family Forum Inc. She was pleased with the software’s capabilities and sought to help her agency maximize its usage. While supporting her agency’s goal of transitioning to paper tracking, Kate began to assess the issues facing them. Duplicate records created by transitioning families was one of the biggest problems. 

To remedy the situation, Kate created two separate access points on the agency’s website. One, targeting new families, and a separate button for returning families. New families enter data using the Family Pre-application while existing families provide updated information on a Google form designed to mimic the Family Pre-application. 

This solution works so well for Family Forum Inc that they have not received a duplicate record since the new process was adopted! With the help of a ChildPlus consultant they have implemented other proactive initiatives using custom modules, reports, filters and To-Do List views that have streamlined their application process tremendously. 

We look forward to seeing what other solutions Kate and the Family Forum Inc team invents next. 

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