Bright Spots Winner: Sabrina Kleen
Sabrina Keen
CAA, Miami Dade CAA Head Start
Each month, we recognize a standout user who goes above and beyond in their use of ChildPlus, and for September, we’re thrilled to honor Sabrina Keen. Her story shows us that being an engaged and informed user takes more than just working within the platform—it’s about staying on top of everything that helps make the system work for you. Read on to learn why Sabrina stands out.
During a routine meeting with her colleagues, she realized that she hadn’t received an important email invitation to a User Group that one of her coworkers did. Now, it would have been easy for her to dismiss this as a simple mistake or an email lost in her inbox, but Sabrina’s curiosity and attention to detail wouldn’t allow that. Instead of letting it slide, she reached out to ChildPlus to get to the bottom of the issue.
After a little digging, it turned out that the email had been categorized as “Marketing,” and Sabrina was only subscribed to receive “Transactional” emails. This small difference in email settings had caused her to miss out on key communications. But because of her persistence, ChildPlus had the opportunity to re-examine how our emails are categorized. Thanks to Sabrina, we’ve now re-categorized User Group invitations, ensuring that not only Sabrina but also other users who might have missed this communication will receive it in the future.
This might seem like a small thing, but it highlights something bigger. User Groups are a vital part of the ChildPlus community—they’re spaces where users can come together, share ideas, and discuss topics that matter to them. Sabrina’s quick thinking ensured that many more people can stay connected and take part in these important conversations going forward.
We applaud Sabrina Keen for her diligence, initiative, and dedication to making ChildPlus work better not just for her, but for everyone. Congratulations, Sabrina—you truly are a Bright Spot!
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