DRDP Child Assessment in ChildPlus Missouri

DRDP child assessment is available for use in Missouri


The Desired Results Developmental Program (DRDP©) is expanding around the nation as an innovative birth to five assessment!  It is valid, reliable, research-based, and focuses on the positive aspects of a child’s development. This incomparable assessment is also built-in to ChildPlus, creating one powerful system!

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education created a guide to help Early Childhood Educators in Missouri prepare their youngsters for kindergarten and success for years to come. In June of 2013, the state revised Early Learning Goals to create a path to prepare children for kindergarten. 

To ensure children are following a path for guided growth and development, the department adopted the DRDP©. This assessment has been aligned to Missouri Early Learning Goals.  The state has some resources available for agencies to use. 

Those resources are:

Additionally, the DRDP is Head Start ELOF-aligned and can be paired with any curricula. The DRDP© is inclusive of all children from birth to five, including those with disabilities, dual language learners, and children of various backgrounds and cultures.   

With the combination of the DRDP© and ChildPlus, you will have access to dynamic reports, free archiving/historical assessments, and an all-in-one system – all at a great value! No longer will you have to import or export data to a separate software! 

Teachers can easily and quickly capture observations in the classroom or home taken by staff or parents. These observations create instant reports on key factors from ChildPlus that impact child development, such as disability, income, gender, attendance, due-language, and so much more!

Ready to learn more? Schedule a demo today or request pricing to see how the DRDP© in ChildPlus can streamline your agency’s processes. 

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