DRDP Child Assessment in ChildPlus Jessica Elzey

What your coworkers are saying about the DRDP© in ChildPlus


For years, many staff that work in early childhood development have used assessments to evaluate the growth of the children in their respective agencies. This has forced agencies to use multiple software to both store data and complete assessments.

This process leads to a lot of confusion and wasted time due to the constant importing and exporting between platforms. ChildPlus has created a solution to this problem that will make agencies more efficient and save them money.

The DRDP© (Desired Results Developmental Profile) in ChildPlus offers the same benefits of most assessments on the market but in one system, making the process more streamlined and approachable.

In less than a year on the market, users are already singing the DRDP’s praises, complementing it on the ease of use and overall convenience. Here are a few testimonials from our users:

DRDP Overall

“I think [the DRDP©] is way easier than the program we use-Definitely user friendly.”

“It seems really simple and easy to follow!”

“This assessment [DRDP©] captures the progress of children under one, better than my previous assessment.”

“If my director doesn’t opt to purchase the DRDP© assessment, then I’m going to pay for a year subscription out of my own pocket!”

“I love having all of my data in one software!”

Adding Observations

“I like how easy you can tag other developmental areas, and children to a single observation.”

“I love that you can do multiple children [to the observations].”

“Its so easy to enter a few quick notes from my iPad then go back to it at the end of the day to finish taking my notes, select the children and measures.”

Take a Look At the ChildPlus DRDP Reports

“I love the Parent Report!!!!!!!!”

“Parent Report rocks!”

“The parent report so easy for the parents to read. I love that it gives them ideas on how to help their child.”

“I love how easy it is to share the details of the assessment with the parents and how it gives the parent an explanation of what this means and how they can help their child.”

What Parents Are Saying

“The language is easier to understand.  It is also easier to understand at a glance.”

“I like how having a section on how I can help my child.”

This is just some of the great feedback we are getting from our DRDP© Family!  We would love to share more about what the DRDP© can do for your agency. Learn more about the DRDP© on the DRDP webpage or sign up for a FREE demo.

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