Lesson Planning Module in ChildPlus Software

Free Lesson Planning module webcasts to be held in November


Did you know ChildPlus offers a lesson planning module? If not this is the perfect webcast for you to attend.

Lesson Plans Made Easy

ChildPlus users have asked for a Lesson Planning module. Guess what? You ask and you shall receive! ChildPlus has a new Lesson Planning module that you can easily use in our browser-based platform!

With our Lesson Planning module, you will be able to create individualized lesson plans for children in your classroom and lesson plans for whole group or a small groups of children.

Sign up for one of our webcasts throughout November and we will show you how to use all the Lesson Planning features.
During our webcasts you will learn how to:

  • Log into ChildPlus Mobile
  • Navigate to Lesson Planning
  • Add a large group lesson plan
  • Pull various lesson plan reports
  • Customize your lesson planning module in Module Designer
  • Add an Individual group lesson plan

Webcast Dates and Times

Thursday, November 5, 2020 @ 2 p.m. EST
Thursday, November 12, 2020 @ 2 p.m. EST
Thursday, November 19, 2020 @ 2 p.m. EST
Note: Each webcast is the same. You only need to sign up for one.

Your Hosts:

Jessica Elzey & Jose Martinez

Jessica Elzey and Jose Martinez!

Jessica has a degree in Special Education and Early Childhood Education and a Specialist Degree in Curriculum and Instruction.

Jose has a Child Development Associate degree and previously worked in Head Start for 11 years.

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