Head Start changes the life of one of ChildPlus’ own


For Nadia Del Rivero, Administrative Assistant here at ChildPlus, her ties to Head Start began when she was just a baby.

Nadia was only 2-years-old when she first started going to Early Head Start in Montgomery, AL.  She and her family had recently moved from Atlanta, GA, to Montgomery and she did not speak any English due to Spanish being her native language.

“We only spoke Spanish at home,” Nadia said. “Both of my parents spoke English, but they knew we would pick that up when we went to school so they chose to teach us Spanish first. Most of the family on my dad’s side only speak Spanish, so they felt it was easier for us to learn Spanish to better communicate with them. “

Upon starting Early Head Start, it was very difficult for Nadia to communicate with her teachers and staff. Mrs. Heady, her first teacher, was a very patient woman who taught her English.

“I remember Mrs. Heady. She was such a patient woman,” Nadia said. “They had a hard time communicating with my brother and myself, but she would not stop until she figured out what we were saying or what we needed.  I remember her working with me so much on the alphabet. I loved her!”

Mrs. Heady would go over the alphabet with Nadia, along with numbers and common English words. According to Nadia, her teacher worked with her every day for two years until Nadia was able to communicate in English fluently. It was at this same Head Start where Nadia met her first best friend, Mariela, whom she is still friends with to this day.

Because of Mrs. Heady and Head Start, by the time Nadia began Kindergarten, she was very advanced for her age and the school wanted to skip her to the first grade.  She credits all of this to the many staff members at her Head Start, from Mrs. Heady, her teacher, to Mrs. Smith, the Director who also worked with her in learning English and how to navigate this “new world.”

“I enjoy my job and helping agencies with their licensing needs so that other children can have the same wonderful experience that I had with Head Start.”

Nadia Del Rivero

According to Nadia, Head Start gave her the boost she needed to succeed in school. She still remembers little things that Mrs. Heady taught her.

“Mrs. Heady had an aloe vera plant in the classroom that she would use when any of the children scraped or cut themselves,” she said. “Because of Mrs. Heady, I now own aloe vera plants that I use for the many things.”

Being a Head Start child helped prepare Nadia for her current position at ChildPlus, because it allowed her to see first-hand, the hard work, dedication, and patience it takes to be apart of a Head Start program.

“I enjoy my job and helping agencies with their licensing needs so that other children can have the same wonderful experience that I had with Head Start,” Nadia said.

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