Jose Martinez ChildPlus Software DRDP child assessment

Head Start History: ChildPlus’ Jose Martinez


If you have attended Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant/Seasonal, National Indian Head Start Directors Association, Zero to Three or NAEYC conferences around the country, then you have probably met Account Executive Jose Martinez.

ChildPlus Software Sales Executive Jose Martinez.

Jose, who has worked with ChildPlus Software for almost nine years, is usually a crowd favorite, and with good reason – he’s one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. He may even invite you to dinner for some authentic Mexican food at, you guessed it, Taco Bell.

When asked what he likes about conferences Jose said, “I love meeting new people, seeing old friends. Being able to see staff face-to-face, talking to them, and hearing how much they love ChildPlus.”

Jose has a long history with Head Start – his siblings attended. By the time his parents discovered Head Start, he was too old to attend.

Do you know what started his love and appreciation for Head Start? He was a Head Start parent himself. All three of his children attended Friends of Children and Families in Boise, Idaho.

“I love meeting new people, seeing old friends. Being able to see staff face-to-face, talking to them, and hearing how much they love ChildPlus.”

Jose Martinez

“I loved the education they received, lessons they were taught, getting along with others, figuring out how to settle their differences and to use their words,” Jose said. “Their teacher loved and cared about the children and it showed in her teaching.”

It also prepared his children for the future.

“They were honor students at their high school,” he said. “They know how to use their words, interact, and share. Learning through play helped my children deal with outside situations, which includes academics.”

Jose saw how much Head Start helped his children and wanted to get involved himself. He started out as a volunteer in the classroom at the agency and eventually became head of the Fatherhood Initiative Program. He became the Parliamentarian and then Vice Chair of the Policy Council.

“They saw how much I loved the program and offered me a job,” he said.

Jose, who previously worked in vehicle maintenance at a rental car service, worked at the Head Start agency for six years, from 2006 to 2012. He worked as a Site Supervisor, but according to him, he wore many hats, such as teacher aide, bus monitor, repair man, and more.

Jose Martinez, center, talks with Head Start workers about the benefits of ChildPlus at the 2019 National Head Start Association in San Antonio, Texas.

“I loved being able to make a difference in the families lives,” he added.

Friends of Children and Families uses ChildPlus Software at the agency, which is where Jose was first introduced to the software and company. That eventually led him to Georgia where he began working at ChildPlus as an Account Executive.

Jose believes in ChildPlus and has seen firsthand how the software helps agencies.

“Being able to track and monitor requirements for OHS (Office of Head Start) with our reports,” he said. “Agencies are able to communicate with parents using our email and texting. We can’t forget the PIR.”

Overall, starting as a Head Start parent, working with Head Start, and now with ChildPlus, they have all changed his life for the better.

“Working in Head Start has boosted my self-confidence and being comfortable in presentations and all around with people,” Jose said. “It has given me the opportunity to not give up.”

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