Transitioning with Triumph: The School Year Closeout


The school year has ended and now it’s time to evaluate enrollment opportunities and close out some records. Earlier this month, we provided a list of tips to support a more streamlined closeout process. The list included suggested activities and connected them to ChildPlus features. This time, we’re focusing on reports. Read this post to see which 3 reports we like to reference when closing out the year. 

Do you need to know who will return to the program or transition out? Determining the status of participants can be overwhelming during a chaotic closeout period. Report 2030 provides the tools to make the transition process easy and manageable. Use the Rollover Utility to generate lists of participants transitioning to another program or eligible to return to the same program.  

Need to fill vacancies? Use this report to locate potential applicants and sort them by eligibility points, income, poverty level, and more. To review your data and make necessary corrections, view the report with all columns visible. To host a selection meeting, view the report with only the columns needed. Once the selection is complete, use Entry Express to assign locations and enrollment statuses to multiple participants simultaneously. 

Still working on the PIR? Use this report to access questions from the Family Services, Health and the Immunization modules. This report is designed to display all the responses captured in “Yes/No” fields and includes a few fields that use dropdown lists. Filters make it easy to locate participants with blank fields, but don’t be so quick to look past a “No”. It’s easy to forget to update data after conversations with families. To avoid this mistake, filter the report to locate all the fields set to “No” and confirm that the answer is still “No”. If the family’s status has changed, be sure to update the answer to “Yes”.  

These are just a few ways reports can assist with school year closeout. Here are some additional helpful resources related to reports: 

  • The Report Index in the Help Center 
  • The “All About Reports” video series in the Learning Library 
  • The “Reports 101” training agenda – included in one of many in-person or online training services 
  • Our various online courses – each of which focus on monitoring and reporting for a variety of service areas 

Contact us and speak with an advisor to learn about customized on-site or in-person training. To explore our catalog of learning resources, click here.

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