Facebook Tips for Head Start agencies ChildPlus

Social Media Tips for Head Start Agencies: Facebook


When it comes to social media platforms for Head Start and Early Head Start agencies, Facebook is the most popular. Unlike Instagram, which focuses solely on media, Facebook focuses on written posts, but you can also add media, like photos and videos, to share.

Plus, it seems as if everybody can be found on Facebook. This makes it easy for parents and guardians to find you! It also makes it easier for you to share information about your agency with these parents and guardians.

Facebook is also a great way to get the word out about your agency. Spread the word about registration or health fairs, along with other important news. Keeping parents in the loop is extremely important, which is why ChildPlus also allows you to send text messages and emails right from your database!

Here are a few ways that you can use Facebook to help promote your agency:

Create a Page

First, create a Facebook page if you don’t already have one. It’s easy and free! Be sure to create a business page for your agency and select the appropriate categories, such as if it is a business, a brand, or a not-for-profit company. After you complete registering your new profile, Facebook will ask you to invite people to like and follow your new page.

Invite People

Inviting people to like your agency’s Facebook page is the number one way to get follows and likes. Whether it’s your staff or parents/family members, the more people who like your page, the more likely those followers will share your content.

You can also share your Facebook URL on any forms, emails, letters, etc., that you send to parents and guardians.

Share Positive Reviews

Has a parent or guardian left an amazing review on your Facebook page or in an agency survey that they filled out? Use that to your advantage! Use that quote in a graphic and post it on your Facebook page.

Post Agency Photos & Videos

While posting photos and videos from your agencies is an amazing idea, make sure you have permission from parents who may or may not want their children’s photos online. It may be a good idea to have parents and staff members sign an authorization form. These are photos that can be used on social media, plus promotional pieces!

Number of Posts

The typical number of times that you should post on Facebook is no more than twice a day. Once you have had your Facebook active for a few weeks, you can check your Facebook Insights to see what times your followers visit Facebook. Then, you can schedule your posts around when your followers are most active.

Make Your Own Graphics

Canva.com is an amazing, FREE tool to create agency-specific graphics. There are various layouts, designs, and free photos and graphics. While you can use a free account, you can also subscribe to a paid account for $12.95 a month and have access to even more design tools. Canva also recently began a social media calendar for paid subscriptions where you can schedule designs you create directly in Facebook and it will post to Facebook or Twitter. According to Canva, Instagram will be a part of the calendar soon.

Stay tuned for more beneficial posts to help your agency get the most use out of your social media profiles!

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