Social Media Tips for Head Start Agencies: Instagram


Instagram is the most visual of all social media platforms. The main focus is the art – photos and videos – while Twitter and Facebook focus on all types of content. That’s what makes Instagram great for Head Start and other early education programs to use.

Here are some helpful tips on how to effectively utilize Instagram:


One of the most popular things that schools can do on Instagram is share photos of classroom events or projects that children have taken part in. Share artwork that your classroom has done so that parents can see it while scrolling through Instagram for the latest updates. Besides sharing a child’s work on Instagram, you can also:

  • Share reading recommendations for parents to share with their children at home;
  • Post something about holidays or any fun events you may have at your agency with the children, such as Sunglasses Day;
  • Feature a student of the week or month if you have permission from parents to post a child’s photo on your agency’s social media account;
  • Show behind-the-scene photos from your agency to show staff members doing what they love to do – working with children;
  • Post videos of different activities or field trips your class takes; and
  • Share reminders of family events, weather updates, school holiday reminders, and more so parents and guardians can remember.


When you post your photos or videos and use a caption, be sure to always include hashtags. Hashtags are typically the number one way that your content and account is found. You can use hashtags in your caption by adding a pound sign (#) in front of a word. Use your hashtags wisely and with important words, such as the name of your agency, or hashtags like #HeadStart, #EardlyEducation, #Learning, etc. Making your agency’s own hashtag, such as “PeachtreeHeadStart” will make your posts easy to find and you will stand out from other Instagram posts.

Quick Tip: Copy and paste hashtags that you use often in your device’s notepad function so that you can easily use them each time without retyping.


Depending on your agency’s rules and regulations, you may want to make your Instagram private so that only parents of children and other teachers can see. You can set your Instagram to private in your settings area. This way when someone tries to follow you, you can approve them after verifying who they are.


Another important tip to keep your Instagram account lively is by engaging with your audience. Like and respond to each comment you receive.


When you post a photo or video to Instagram, make sure you add a location. That way, whenever someone searches for that location, whether you tag the city or your agency, your posts will come up. This is a good way for people to possibly find your location to enroll your children.

Maintain a schedule

Try to post something to Instagram regularly and keep a schedule. One way to do that is by scheduling posts through a platform, such as Hootsuite, that allows free accounts to schedule up to 30 posts in advance.


Instagram can be a fun and informative way to keep parents and guardians up-to-date on events at your agency. Make sure you list your Instagram account and any social media on your agency’s website so that others can find you!

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