The Endless Benefits of ChildPlus and the DRDP


What do you get when you put the most popular Head Start data management software with the nation’s best child assessment? One powerful system – DRDP in ChildPlus.

In November 2019, ChildPlus Software announced that they have added the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) to ChildPlus. The DRDP focuses on the positive aspects of each child’s developmental progress. With the simplicity of one system, the combination of ChildPlus and the DRDP brings zero complexity to your agency.

The DRDP is a strength-based, user-friendly assessment that focuses solely on the positive aspects of a child’s developmental progress, and works with any curriculum. This assessment is research-based, valid, reliable, Head Start ELOF-aligned, and covers all children from birth to five, including children with IFSPs and IEPs. The DRDP includes domains that meet the federal Office of Special Education Programs child outcome reporting requirements for children with learning disabilities.

Because this is an all-in-one system, you’ll never have to keep two separate systems in sync as children enroll, transfer, or leave your agency during the school year. And, with the DRDP being accessible directly from ChildPlus, teachers can instantly begin the observation process as soon as a child enters their classroom. No longer will you have to export and import your assessment data into a different software.

The DRDP in ChildPlus Mobile.

Teachers can easily record observations by capturing photos, videos, notes, and more conveniently from their favorite devices.  This streamlines the observation process so teachers can spend more time with their children and less time entering data.

With our dynamic reporting system, ChildPlus makes it easier than ever to keep track of your ratings and observations. Our reports give you previously impossible insights into the factors the impact child development within your organization.

Imagine, for example, having a report available that allows you to easily determine the impact that chronic absence has on a child’s developmental progress. Or, a report that can compare income levels for all of your participants. With this critical information, you can easily transform your policies and procedures to serve your children with high-quality care.

With the endless benefits of the combination of ChildPlus and the DRDP, switching to ChildPlus just makes sense. To learn even more about how the DRDP can streamline your agency’s processes, click here. You can also watch this informative video that gives a great overview of the DRDP, along with many other benefits of the assessment that are included in ChildPlus.

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