The Effects of COVID-19 on the Head Start Community


Today, social distancing is taking on a new meaning. In earlier years, the term was used to describe the distance between groups, such as social class, ethnicity, and gender. Now, social distancing is being put into place as an attempt to contain the spread of a global pandemic, COVID-19. The Head Start community has had to implement new measures to prevent the exposure and spread among staff members, children, and their families.

These measures have made a huge impact on how the Head Start community operates. Having to cancel conferences and regional meetings across the country is something that has never been experienced before. Agencies across the country have had to abruptly halt all non-essential travel plans for their staff members. This has resulted in a domino-like effect of networking and training events being either canceled or postponed nationwide.

The Impact

Associations have had to plan strategies to reduce the spread of disease and establish mechanisms for ongoing communication with staff, children, families, and the community. Many agencies have resulted to having staff work from home, while others are simply waiting it out.

Virtual trainings and webinars are now the go-to avenue for networking and professional development. Educators have had to regroup and engineer new ways to stay connected with children. Many have amped up their creativity by uploading virtual learning videos, reading stories via video, and sending parents developmental activities.

Virtual Learning

With keeping the positive Head Start spirt alive, ChildPlus is now engaging more than ever with the Head Start community on our social media sites by sharing helpful tips on safety and educational ideas on keeping children engaged during this time. We are also encouraging ChildPlus users to take advantage of the virtual resources that we have available, like the Learning Library, live webinars, and technical support.

ChildPlus will continue to work diligently with our staff to ensure the highest quality of service is received during this time.

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